I'm Hafiz Rasa.
A Full-stack web developer

With a background in developing efficient software applications in a global market. More than 1500+ hours of experience, including mentoring 10+ junior developers to achieve concrete goals on a strict deadline. Strong skills include React, Redux, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Figma, and Animation Libraries!

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About Myself

I've spent much time completely immersed in remote development, building everything from landing pages to using APIs. I got 95% marks in my school and at the college level which was very close to the boy who stood first in the whole of the country and it shows my ability to work smart, and in challenging times to achieve my goals. I am convinced of the formula for doing work way before, not on time. I've spent the last several months working remotely and asynchronously with people across 3 different time zones (UTC-6, UTC+1, UTC+5) which makes me way special.

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  • JavaScript

  • React

  • Redux

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Bootsrap


  • Ruby

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Nodejs

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

Other Professional Skills

  • Git, GitHub

  • Mobile/Responsive Development

  • Remote Pair-Programming

  • Teamwork, Mentoring

  • Solving Problem